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Before Surgery

It is highly recommended that you have a surgical camisole prior to your surgery because you can wear this garment directly home from the hospital. The camisole has pouches to hold your drain tubes so they do not pull out as you move throughout your day, or as you sleep.  The pouches are removable so...CONTINUE READING

What To Expect

Before Surgery It is helpful to know what’s available to you and what to expect following surgery. Most surgeons recommend that patients should wait 4-6 weeks post-surgery to be fitted for a breast prosthesis. This allows time for the swelling to go down, for your surgery site to heal, and for you to feel comfortable...CONTINUE READING

Your First Appointment

Why do I need to book an appointment? At Dianne’s Mastectomy, we work by appointment to ensure all clients receive privacy and personal attention. This appointment time is for you, you will not have anyone interrupting your fitting time. You will not be rushed and are encouraged to ask any questions you may have. There...CONTINUE READING

ABOUT Mastectomy Bras

How are mastectomy bras different from regular bras? All of the bras we carry are referred to as mastectomy bras, or some people say surgical bras, meaning that there is an extra layer of material that creates a pocket behind the cup. This pocket allows the breast prosthesis to be worn securely, without falling out...CONTINUE READING

About Breast Prostheses

What is a breast prosthesis? A breast prosthesis is the external breast form that will replace your natural breast after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. It is made of silicone so it will feel very natural to the touch. It is on the outside of your body and is worn inside the pocket of your mastectomy/surgical...CONTINUE READING

Assistive Devices Program

What is this? The Assistive Devices Program, also known as “ADP”, is a government program that will reimburse you for a portion of the cost of your breast prosthesis. You are eligible simply by living in Ontario and having a valid Ontario Health Card. This program is not through OHIP, it is a separate program...CONTINUE READING

About Lymphedema

Why do I need to know about it? Women who have been treated for breast cancer may be at risk for arm, breast, and chest swelling called lymphedema. Approximately 65-75% of women who undergo breast cancer treatment will develop lymphedema at some point. It may appear soon after surgery, months or years later, or never...CONTINUE READING

About Reconstruction

What is reconstruction? Breast reconstruction is a type of surgery that rebuilds the breast mound so that it is approximately the same size and shape as it was before. Some women may choose to have this surgery following a mastectomy. It can be preformed at the same time as your mastectomy or at a later...CONTINUE READING