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Assistive Devices Program

What is this?
The Assistive Devices Program, also known as “ADP”, is a government program that will reimburse you for a portion of the cost of your breast prosthesis. You are eligible simply by living in Ontario and having a valid Ontario Health Card. This program is not through OHIP, it is a separate program run through the Ontario Ministry of Health.

Who can apply?
Any permanent resident of Ontario who has a valid Health Card Number and:

  • Has had a mastectomy or lumpectomy
  • As a result of breast surgery now requires a breast prosthetic
  • Was born with a need to require a breast prosthetic

How do I apply?
Dianne will fill out all of the paperwork for you at your appointment. Please bring your health card because she will need to fill in your health card number on the form. We will provide you with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to send your form in by mail. You will receive your reimbursement by cheque in the mail.

How much money will I receive?
If you require one full breast prosthesis, you will receive $195. If you require two full breast prostheses, you will receive $390.

If you require one partial breast prosthesis, you will receive $105. If you require two partial breast prostheses, you will receive $210.

At the time of purchase, you will be required to pay the full amount of the breast prosthesis. ADP will reimburse you a portion of the cost, as listed above according to your needs. The remaining cost may be covered by your private insurance. If you do not have private insurance, you may use this as an income tax deduction. If you are on Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or Ontario Works (OW), please contact us for further information on how you can apply and what your reimbursement will be.

How often can I apply?
You can apply every 2 years (24 months from date of purchase).

If, during the 2 years, you require a new breast prosthesis because your body size or shape changes or because of a change in your medical condition, you may apply once for a replacement during the 24 month period.

Model 1079(Earth) / 1078(Black) / 0463(Nude)
About Breast Prostheses