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In The Community

Big Hats & High Tea Social
This annual event is hosted by the Women of Limers Association with all proceeds going towards the Compassionate Care Fund at Trillium Health Partners to assist cancer patients. Enjoy an afternoon of sandwiches and snacks, silent auction, games, contests, and of course wonderful company. You may even win a gift basket donated by Dianne’s Mastectomy.
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Body, Mind, Spirit National Conference
This weekend conference, organized by the Canadian Breast Cancer Network, co-presented by the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is aimed at young women living with breast cancer. Attendees included cancer patients/survivors, researchers, medical professionals, support organizations, and decision makers from across Canada.

BRA Day (Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day)
BRA Day is an initiative designed to promote education, awareness, and access for women who may wish to consider post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. Dianne continues to participate in BRA Day, both within Mississauga and Brampton, each year since it began in 2014.

Cancer Car Clinic
This event is aimed at teaching women the basics of car ownership and repair, with proceeds donated to breast cancer research. Dianne was happy to donate her time in providing information to attendees about breast cancer and post-mastectomy products.

CIBC Run For The Cure Brampton
Dianne has been a supporter for the CIBC Run For The Cure in Brampton since it’s inception many years ago. She has supported the run both financially and personally by providing information to participants at her booth on run day. If you are planning to run in the future, please stop by our booth and say hello!
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Cruisin’ For A Cure
Cruisin’ For A Cure is the world’s largest one-day car show in support of prostate cancer. Because breast cancer is often seen as a woman-only disease, we are here to inform you that it’s not. Not only can men be diagnosed with breast cancer, but also we want to open the discussion that everyone is affected when someone is diagnosed.

Evening of Hope
Dianne’s Mastectomy has been a loving supporter of The Evening of Hope since it began in 2004.  The event is held at North Bramalea United Church on the first Sunday in April each year. It provides spiritual and emotional support for people affected by cancer: people on the cancer journey presently, people in remission, family members, relatives of people who have died of cancer, and health care professionals. The event has spawned new ministries, including the building of Wellspring, a community-based support program for people affected by cancer in Brampton and Caledon. You will see post it notes in pictures below, part of the service is writing a name of a loved one affected by cancer on a note and placing it on a window in remembrance. Please come visit our information booth and say hello, we hope to see you this April!
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Grand Evening in Pink
A gala put on each October by the Canadian Cancer Society aims to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research. Dianne has been both financially and personally involved in this cause each year since it began in 2001. Not only will you see Dianne at her information booth throughout the night, you can also find her at her gala dinner table surrounded by other supporters enjoying this wonderful night.

I Rock Pink
I Rock Pink Cancer Relief Inc. works to educate the local Brampton/Mississauga community. In addition to fundraising, I Rock Pink also spends time educating the public, providing information resources, and access to support centres. The organization is comprised of young adults, influential professionals, and volunteers of all ages. An annual gala is held in Brampton.

Look Good Feel Better
Dianne’s Mastectomy is part of the Look Good Feel Better program. Dianne is a certified Breast Care Specialist and provides post-surgical information to women by presenting monthly at the Look Good Feel Better workshops in Brampton. Want to attend? Find the date for next month’s workshop here.

Performance Car and Truck Show
Dianne’s Mastectomy attended the Performance Car and Truck Show in March of 2010, a Fri-Sun event held in Mississauga, ON. Dianne’s Mastectomy was able to provide health related information all weekend long to attendees, both men and women. Breast Cancer not only affects the person diagnosed, but loved ones as well. This event was a perfect way to reach out to the public and increase awareness of breast cancer and breast cancer support.

Pink Bus Canada Tour
The CIBC Brampton branch was lucky enough to host the Pink Bus in 2012 on the Pink Bus Canada-Wide tour. Dianne provided answers to questions and valuable information while encouraging guests to get on the bus and learn about breast health. The Pink Bus Tour is put on by the Canadian Beast Cancer Foundation, it provides an interactive learning experience and allows eligible participants to book a mammogram so they too can stay healthy and informed.

Relay For Life
You may have seen us at the Relay For Life in past years. We have provided information and support to participants and find this event, and all of its participants, to be such an inspiration! Relay for Life is a 12-hour overnight fundraising event put on by the Canadian Cancer Society.

ScrapCancer is a scrapbooking event held at the end of October with a goal to raise much-needed funds for Breast Cancer Support Services (BCSS). Since it’s inception in 2007, Dianne has donated a large gift-basket to be used in the silent auction and further raise funds for such a worthwhile organization. We thank the many dedicated participants and tireless organizers of ScrapCancer.

World Breast Cancer Conference
Dianne is proud to have been a part of the World Breast Cancer Conference when it was held in Hamilton, ON in 2010. This event provided much-needed support and information to women around the world who attended. The highlight OF this event was running into Joyce, our contact with the breast cancer support group in Lusaka, Zambia (see picture below).

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