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Before Surgery

It is highly recommended that you have a surgical camisole prior to your surgery because you can wear this garment directly home from the hospital.

The camisole has pouches to hold your drain tubes so they do not pull out as you move throughout your day, or as you sleep.  The pouches are removable so once your drain tubes come out, you can continue to wear it. Most doctors recommend waiting 4-6 weeks to be fitted for a breast prosthesis to allow time for swelling to go down, so this is what you can wear in the meantime. It is so comfortable that many choose to wear it as a lounge “around the house” shirt or night shirt even after being fitted for a breast prosthesis.

All of the stitching is on the outside, so there is nothing to rub against your surgery site and cause irritation. It is also made of a comfortable stretchy fabric, so if arm mobility is an issue following surgery you can step into it.

No-weight, fiber-filled shapers are included. They will give shape to your chest before you are able to wear a breast prosthesis. Many find this wonderful because they will have shape to their chest during the period of having family and friends visit, as well as attending medical appointments.

What To Expect