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Donation Program

Our donation program began in 2001. A personal friend of Dianne’s had family that worked in Lusaka, Zambia in the social work dept of the local hospital. Through this placement he became familiar with the needs of a growing post-mastectomy patient base. We began sending donations with family members as they went to visit. From there, this program has blossomed into what it is today.

Customers of ours have gone on mission trips to Malawi, Cuba, and Dominican Republic and taken donations to local hospitals there as well. It is the kindness of your donations that allows North American women to directly help and support women overseas through their cancer journeys.

In 2006, Dianne’s family traveled to Lusaka, Zambia to take donations themselves and see where your generosity goes. They were able to meet with the support group that grew out of the original hospital donations, as well as take a tour of the Lusaka hospital itself. This support group now not only provides emotional services, but also works to educate about breast cancer prevention.

So many of our customers, and those of you who have found us online, have been so generous in donating bras and prostheses you are no longer using. The post-mastectomy products available in Canada are unheard of in small towns and cities in Africa and other developing nations. Without you, these products would not be available there.

Our donations come as many women change size, the warranty on a product is over and it is time to replace, medical needs or personal tastes change, reconstruction has occurred, or even if a loved one has past away and you are looking to donate in their memory.

Products you can donate: gently used post-mastectomy bras, breast prostheses, post-surgical camisoles, wigs in good condition, head scarves, or compression and lymphedema products.

To those of you who have donated to us already:
Thank you so much for your generosity! Your donations have gone directly to the women who are in need. Your contribution has changed the way another woman sees herself, feels about herself, and her overall outlook on life after cancer. You have given a gift of hope that only someone who has been through the same experience can give. Thank you!

For further questions or donations please contact Dianne’s Mastectomy directly at 905-454-5710 or info@diannesmastectomy.com.




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